Kasim Lasi
  • Say hello
  • design@kasimlasi.co.uk
  • Client: : Macmillan Cancer Support
  • Category: : Ideation, Digital ads, Out of house
  • Contribution: : Creative Direction, Craft

Macmillan Cancer Support: OOH ads

At Macmillan I worked closely with the brand team who acquired various DOOH ad space around the UK, at roadsides, airports, malls, student union bars, London underground and various others.

These would be static as well as flash timeline animated with Macmillan’s own style of transitions though limited to a ten second sometimes five second loop, which had to shorten messaging overall. The challenge on some of these were due to various media owner specs for different screens where some i would have to literally design and animate in a 90 degree angle as they manual rotate some screens to portrait.

Here are but a few media owner spaces I designed for: Blow up Media, Captive media, Eyecorp, JCDecaux, KBH, Maritime Media, Outdoor Ocean, Outdoor Plus and others.